
Spring Haven Farms is a small family owned business on the eastern edge of Ottawa. We produce grass fed beef, hay for resale, farm fresh eggs and maple syrup.

We believe in being good stewards of the land, and of the animals we have been blessed to care for. In response to this goal, we are working towards creating a regenerative, sustainable business. This not only improves the quality of the land, but also the quality of life for our animals, and the quality of food on our tables.

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Maple Syrup

This award winning pure maple syrup has a fantastic taste that will not disappoint. Click the “Order Now!” button below or Contact us to order yours today!

Available in Amber, Dark, and Very Dark.

Sizes include:
  • Small Decorative for $5.00 (the perfect stocking stuffer)
  • 250ml for $7.50
  • 500ml for $13.00